A Sting in the Tail? 127 Hobson Street Limited v Honey Bees Preschool Limited

The Supreme Court has delivered an important decision on the law of penalties…

Attorney-General v Strathboss Kiwifruit Ltd

IntroductionDuring lockdown the Court of Appeal released its decision in…

Really? The Final Chapter in Lodge v Commerce Commission [2020] NZSC 25

Really?The Supreme Court has written the final chapter in the Lodge/TradeMe…

COVID and Court Delays

Court says roll up your sleeves and get on with it In Short The demand on the…

Making the most of expert evidence

What is expert evidence and when is it necessary?Judges often need to make…

Travelers Insurance Co Ltd v XYZ Case

IntroductionOn 30 October 2019 the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom…